2024 World Seagrass Conference & 15th International Seagrass Biology Workshop


Fellowships are available by ISBW15&WSC2024 to support participation in the event in Napoli, for students and early carrier scientists (within 5 years from the PhD), and for participants from low and lower-middle-income economies.

Fellowships will cover full registration fee for students and participants from low and lower-middle-income economies, and half regular registration fee for early carrier scientists.

The applicant must submit the following documentation to registration@isbw15.it
(please indicate in the subject of the e-mail the category of the fellowship you are applying for):

For MSc or PhD students
The applicant must indicate name, surname, institutional affiliation (including country)

The applicant must submit a short CV (max 1 page) and a cover letter with a clear statement of why financial support is required, and a clear explanation of how Congress participation will benefit his/her academic goal and career plans

The applicant must submit an official letter from the MSc or PhD supervisor

For Early Career professionals
within the first 5 years, excluding approved career breaks, from the date of obtaining the PhD

The applicant must indicate name, surname, institutional affiliation (including country)

The applicant must submit a short CV (max 1 page) and a cover letter with a clear statement of why financial support is required, and a clear explanation of how Congress participation will benefit his/her academic goal and career plans

The applicant must submit an official document reporting the date of the PhD award

For participants from low and lower-middle-income economies
The applicant must indicate name, surname, institutional affiliation (including country)

The applicant must submit a short CV (max 1 page) and a cover letter with a clear statement of why financial support is required, and a clear explanation of how Congress participation will benefit his/her academic goal and career plans

All applicants must commit to in person attendance and presentation of the submitted abstract, either in a talk or poster format.